Tuesday, December 15, 2009
CandleLight Fantasia
Posted by Mr Don at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hidup hidup
pelepasan perasaan yg tak dapat nak diungkapkan,
engkau takkan tahu bagaimana hati dan perasaan nih di simpan..
lama kelamaan..ia akan menjadi dendam...
sekarang mungkin kamu tidak dapat melihat nyer...
tapi satu hari nanti kamu pasti akan merasa...
perbuatan mu yg ku sangkakan slama betul rupa nya dusta semata2,
memang ko pandai bermain kata...sampai kita lelaki lupa dan menjadi alpa,
Tapi engkau perempuan jangan ingat kami lelaki ini bodoh selamanya
kita laki juga punya akal dan fikiran...
skali terkena, kamu ingat kami akan berdiam diri sahaja
kamu tak pernah berfikir apa yg kami fikirkan,
kamu tak pernah menghargai aper yg kami telah lakukan
aper yg engkau pikir kan hanya lah diri engkau sahaja..
lelaki yg bergelar Suami, Tunang atau pon Boyfren.
Apabila perkataan itu di sebut, kami menjadi lemah,
dan pada masa itu juga kepercayaan kami telah diberi kan pada dirimu
kami sanggup mati karana kamu perempuan yg kami laki sayang.
tapi aper yg telah engkau lakukan biler diberikan kepercayaan dan kebebasan
engkau senang2 menghancurkan nya
dan kamu thu aper sebab nya:
Kerna engkau hanya memikirkan diri engkau sahaja
P/s: kepada kawan ku saudara EHEM2(nama dirahsiakan)..aku bersimpati terhadap engkau dan tunang ko...tunang ko memang pompuan yg bodoh, tak tahu malu, tak sedar diri, bangsat, cilaka.pelacur, perempuan murahan...jangan nak salahkan orang lain cakap begitu kat ko...ko sendiri yg menjatuhkan martbat ko sebagai perempuan yg mulia kepada perempaun yg lagi hina dari anjing di tepi longkang...ko ibarat najis. bagi diri ku pertunangan itu satu langkah seblum pasangan itu mendirikan umah tangga...berusaha utk mencapai nya..nih tak...belum kawin dah main kayu 3...backup org ketiga itu....saper org ketiga tu...ko lebih sayang org ketiga tuh dari tunang engkau sendri...pikir laa..otak ader..saudara...engkau bagi ku memang telah mengambil satu keputusan yg bijak...perempuan sebegitu rupa memang tak ley diharap...aku cuma dapat mendoakan ko dapat berjumpa perempuan yg lebih baik dari pelacur tuh(tunang ko)
Posted by Mr Don at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tragedi Bulan December
kehilangan sesuatu itu mungkin amat memedihkan,
tapi aku tetap steady, sbb aku tau.
mungkin benda ini akan terjadi juga.
selagi 1 masalah itu tak selasai sampai biler2 pon ianya takkan selesai
aku bahagia berada disampingmu,
disisimu aku seperti menjadi seseorg yg baru.
tak pernah aku memikir satu masalah pon
kalu ader masalah pon, aku takkan bercerita dengan dirimu
aku tak mahu bersusah hati kerna aku. aku hanya mahu engkau bahagia
walaupon aku tau diriku ini akan sakit
tapi sayang skali, hubungan kiter tidak berkekalan,
aku tak marah pon, aku hanya menharap kiter still lagi bole menjadi kawan
itu pon terpulang pada diri kamu, aku tak boleh menghalang keputusan kamu
aku pon bukan nyer malaikat atau dewa..
aku nih manusia yg punya batas terhadap semua tindakan yg dilakukan
aku cuma merasakan apa yg aku lakukan ini, adalah yg terbaik utk diriku,
Apa yg ku pinta bukan nya banyak,
semua yg aku pinta itu adalah utk memastikan dirimu itu menjadi milik ku,
tanpa sebarang gangguan, tanpa ada sebarang halangan,
bersama mengecapi bahagia didunia sendiri.
akan tetapi keegoan diri seseorang itu melepasi batasan akal pemikiran seseorang itu.
aku terpaksa redha saja dengan apa sahaja yg kamu pinta, walaupon kamu tahu aku tidak suka,
kata2 mu yg terakhir yg mengata diriku ini bosan,
memang..aku memang bosan..kamu tak suka melihat kami bergaduh,
tapi aper yg kamu buat, utk mengelakkan dari sumua ini terjadi???
kater2 mu semalam membuat kan aku berfikir kembali:
Mengapa ini terjadi?
Apa yg dirinya risaukan??
adakah diri org ketiga itu lebih penting dari diriku ini???
Pihak manakah dirinya memihak??
adakah dirinya itu sayang akan diriku ini??
adakah dirinya itu sedang mempermainkan perasaanku ini??
Diriku ini hanya utk suka2 dikala dirinya bosan???
dan akhir skali,
Adakah Dirinya Pernah sekali pon memikirkan tentang perasaan diriku ini dan apa yg aku pikirkan?
dengan semua persoalan yg diatas.
aku telah membuat keputusan utk ....................................................
Posted by Mr Don at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
expression released
hye hye you....first of all, i
would like to say that i glad to know you.
this wonderful moment start from 3rd august until now,
i'll cherish it and i do mean it.
with all the fight, quarrel and disagreement we had.
we always fight for the same reason (MR E),
i know u'll notice it, coz everytime it does i'll never gonna want to see u again
u said its ur right, yes, i would have to agreed with that and i respect that
even since 30/10/2009, i had tried to respect your decision.
trying not to get mad, whenever u went out with other guy.
but FYI Mr E is not. he is not in my list of exception.
just for u to know.. i'm really happy when u said u still love me
i gave myself up and i gave myself a chance
u need a time. i gave u the time..
but still u didn't give the respect that i need
at the beginning i'll try to ignore it and it will become worst from time to time.
this is a simple fact.
do you know that a guy doesn't like his lover to talk about another guy xspecialy their ex
if you just love to make fun of ur ex in intention to make them felt misarable
and them told that thing to me, it is just not right
it is wrongful thing to be done.
if u said, eventhough , u've breakup and still want to be frens
i'm gonna agreed with that and i'll support u all the way.
every single time u said another guys name in front of me
u never realized my facial expression has change bcoz never have to bother about anyone else
u are full with ur self and never even bother to look around you
everything u said is about you, YOU,YOU and YOu
Hye, I'm currently attached to you because u said u love me
that is all that really matter
as time pass by, i realized u've change a little bit
especially in past week.
i Can'T hold Your Hand all the time
you broke ur promise saying we can capture picture of us as many as i want
i can't tag a picture of u(what wrong with it???i thought u love me???malu, segan, takut ader org marah???)
if you love me, just say u do,
i've tired of waiting
scared u've change and there nothing happen betwee us.
my decision is depend on your decision
if u want me, i'll stay,
if u don't want me and u want me to keep entertain u
i DON'T want that,
I'm looking for a serious relationship, with commitment
please let me free if u don't love me
Posted by Mr Don at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Gurl asking A Boy
if he thought she was pretty
She asked him
if he would want to be with her forever....
and he said no.
She then asked him
if she were to leave would he cry,
and once again he replied with no.
As she walked away,
tears streaming down her face
You're not pretty you're beautiful.
I dont want to be with you forever.
I NEED to be with you forever
but I'd die when you walked away from my life
Posted by Mr Don at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
cabaran cabaran cabaran..
hidup nih memang penuh ngan dugaan....tak org pon bole lari dari dugaan..semua org ader masalah masing2..kiter pon tak ley nak agak biler kiter akan dapat masalah...semua nyer kiter tak ley jangka...
keje,blaja,kawan2, nak lepas idup 1 hari pon bole dikatakan sebagai cabaran bagi seorg manusia...
aku nih pon tak terlepas dari masalah...dengan masalah kewangan nya, masalah masa lalu nyer, masalah cinta nye..huih..kalu aku nak senaraikan mau berjela2 panjang nyer...tapi enough pasal masalah nih....bagi aku tuh semua cabaran.
cabaran utk aku kuar di dunia baru..cabaran utk aku bole hidup berdikari tanpa meminta bantuan org lain...aku bukan nak cerita pasal masalah...tapi aku nak cerita macam mana nak hadapi semua nih...setiap org ader cara tersendiri nak menghadapi masalah...tapi bagi aku..nak menghadapi 1 masalah tuh senang jer...kiter mesti redha ngan aper yg terjadi..sbb bagi aku benda nih sume memang ditakdir kan utk terjadi...utk kia blaja sesuatu yg baru...contoh nya...cam kaki kau nih...dua2 ibu jari kaki aku nih dah retak..aku still control cm takde aper2 yg berlaku..kalu aku men bola pon aku akan men ngan berhati2...takde laa men ngan ganas macam waktu dulu..pastu aku dapat blaja pasal game spirit..giler ko...kalu kaki ko dah kena hentak ngan org len sampai retak..kalu org len dah tentu mengamuk n bergadoh..tapi aku tak..aku bole berfikir lagi...alaaah..bagi aku, mungkin org tuh tak sengaja..dah kater men bola..hahahhaha...lagi contoh...aku break ngan awek aku...mungkin ader org tak ley terima...yer laaa....hilang org yg tersayang...aku pon pernah kena gak dulu...menangis tak henti gak laaa...tapi biler pikir balik...mungkin ini yg terbaik...mungkin aku ader buat salah...apa yg aku bole buat...lepaskan jer...blaja dari kesilapan...mungkin kita tak ditakdirkan bersama...kiter kena ingat ALLAH S.W.T tak pernah salah..DIA mencipta kita dan DIA jugak yg tau aper yg terbaik diri kita...betul tak aper yg aku cakap nih???aper sahaja dugaan,cabaran dan kesenangan yg kiter terima tuh...semua nya dari ALLAH SW.T...DIA buat bergitu bukan sebab DIA tak benci kiter dan nak tengok kita sengsara...DIA buat begitu semua sbb DIA sayang pada kita...kita yg patut nya bersyukur kepada nya.
Posted by Mr Don at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
If she could only see
Tonic - If you Could Only see
If you could only see the way she loved me,
maybe u could understand,
why i feel this way about our love
and what i must do
And if you can only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
when she says she loved me.
well you got your reason,
and you got your lies,
and you got your manupulations
they cut me down the size
sayin you love but you don't
you give your love but you won't.
If you could only see the way she loved me,
maybe u could understand,
why i feel this way about our love
and what i must do
And if you can only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
when she says she loved me.
seems the road less traveled
show's happiness unraveled
and you got to take a little dirt
to keep what you love
that's you gotta to do
sayin you love but you don't
you give your love but you won't.
you streching out your arm for something that are not there
sayin' love where you stand
you give your heart when you can
If you could only see the way sheloved me,
maybe u could understand,
why i feel this way about our love
and what i must do
And if you can only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
when she says she loved me
sayin you love but you don't
you give your love but you won't.
you streching out your arm for something that are not there
sayin' love where you stand
you give your heart when you can
If you could only see the way she loved me,
maybe u could understand,
why i feel this way about our love
and what i must do
And if you can only see how blue her eyes can be when she says when she says she loved me
Posted by Mr Don at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
hangout and chill all nite long
giler laa aku bebaru nih...
semalam memang aku penat giler....
keje 1 ari...kena cari potential supplier untuk beli hamper for customer...
penat2 aku dah cari n dah susun utkbuat presentation ngan saper kiter patut beli hamper kak ina
slaki dia ckap...kiter tak akan bagi client kiter hamper....kiter akan buat open house
sooo...cam biasa laa syed..ko kena cari tempat yg best...utk kiter buat open house company kiter pada 9/10 nih...adoyai..baru aku ingat aku nak rilex..skali keje baru datang plak..
huh...setel pasal ker...
malam plak...ader makan ngan supplier wan...
abg adli mmg sempoi...waktu berbuka...makan kurma sebijik...pastu tanya...ada saper2 isap okok tak??aper lagi...mari laa menunaikan tanggung jawab..heheheh...
duk luar...sap kok lu...biasa laaa sesi pengenalan diri ngan abg adli..maklum laa baru first time bekerjasama ngan hitachi...memang sempoi...
makan jangan cakap laa...memang puas ati...memang aku snetal daging bakar dia banyak...wan punya daging pon aku rembat gak......muhahahaha((gelak evil)) food overall memang excellent...tak sia di namakan Prince Hotel..hehehehehe....
aku baru jer ingat kak ina(supervisor aku) nak bawak pakwe dia..skali aku kecewa laa...kawan dia gurl plak yg datang..hehehehe...tapi member kak ina yg keje kat hitachi nama jason memang klaka giler...petah macam budak kecik baru blaja cakap...pot pet pot pet...tak henti2..rasa dah macam melayu dah..hahahaa
biler dah abis makan..perut dah kenyang biasa laaa..masa utk menggerakkan diri...masa aku nak gerak shiekh plak msg aku cakap dia ader tiket wayang free....aku aper lagi..on jer laaa...aku bagitau wan...dia tak puas ati..hehehehe..padan muka ko wan..hahahaha(in ur face)
aku pon balik laaa anta wan kat sunway..aper lagi terus pecut gerak gi OU..aku ingat aku dah lambat..rupa nyer aku org first sampai..sia2 aku pecut...kul 9.05 minit..muncul laa shiekh...bole tahan laa citer gamer tuh...mula2 agak pening gak laaa...kat last2 baru paham...abis cite...ingat nak lepak lepas tension kat atas bumbung OU men beseball...tapi malang...sampai2 jer baru tutup...chill laa kami berdua kat atas bumbung tuh tgk org men bola sambil meluahkan masalah masing2...adalaa dalam 30 minit gak berborak...pastu zarul n kecik sampai..bincang punya bincang..akhir nya kami bersetuju untuk minum dulu...zarul nak balik umah dulu...soo kecik n shiekh jer laa lepak kat canai cafe SS15...lepak2, borak2..kul 12.30alam baru laa terpikir nak balik..tapi sebelum balik sempat gak kami..melencong ke bilik kecik dalam kedai dvd..korang paham2 sendri laa aper kitaorg beli..shiekh siap ulur 5 hinggit utk beli benda nih (don't worry shiekh) kecik dah copy aper yg diperlukan..hehehehe..pastu kami pulang laa ke rumah masing2
dah balik umah..aku bukan nak tido dulu...bole plak bantai dengar dengar lagu
dulu, gayut dulu..it's ok...kejap pon dah puas dah..heheheheee...
besok ader something happen kat aku
besambung dalam citer...
"alamak kantoi aku arini"
Posted by Mr Don at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
For You
Posted by Mr Don at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
-Reminder to all of u-
dammit, dammit...u done it again....
shit u and i curse u...
is this how u treat me?is this how u want???
sure that would not be a problem for me...
we follow your way
but in the end
You're the one who will tear apart...
what u give , surely u get it back...
fuck with all the hypocrites
fuck with all the nonsense that been made
i hope u rot in hell
-Reminder to all of u-
rempit..sorry for ruin your moment
samad..cepat laa baik from ur ketumbit berjangkit tu
Posted by Mr Don at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
waiting thru the night
i want to to know, if there is any hope for u
Posted by Mr Don at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Never gonna stop loving you
so here it is
Posted by Mr Don at 7:38 AM 1 comments
Love Hurts
Tonight we drink to youth
And holding fast to truth(I don't want to lose what I had as a boy.)
My heart still has a beat
But love is now a feat.(As common as a cold day in LA.)
Sometimes when I'm alone,I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,'
cause without love I won't survive.
I'm fettered and abused,
I stand naked and accused(Should I surface this one man submarine?)
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth!(I'll never lose what I had as a boy.)
Sometimes when I'm alone
I wonderIs there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
I really love this song
Posted by Mr Don at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Time to change
Posted by Mr Don at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
starting a new day in my life

is it my friend??
is it my family??
Whoever read this blog, maybe you can give me some idea on activities on how to get away from all the problems. how to release myself.
Posted by Mr Don at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: daily normal life